How Funds Are Distributed
Choose Life of Georgia receives funds from the State monthly. We send checks to you quarterly. Our desire is to help qualifying pregnancy centers and pregnancy medical clinics in your important life-affirming help to women. Allocations are determined by these 3 criteria:
Choose Life tag sales and renewals in the entire state are allocated to all participating center/clinics. Those sold in the county of residence of the center/clinic especially benefit them. Choose Life receives sales/renewal numbers for each county monthly from the Motor Vehicle Department. Centers are credited for the tags sold/renewed in their county. When there are multiple centers in a county, credit for the number of tags in the county is divided equally among them. Tag sold/renewed in counties with no centers are allocated to all recipient centers based on percentages in # 2 below.
Number of new pregnancy clients seen by centers/clinics. You provide these numbers on your Quarterly Reports. Credit for number of new pregnancy clients seen is allocated as a percentage of total number of new pregnancy clients seen by all qualified centers.
The calculation for your quarterly check is based on both the sales/renewal numbers and the number of new pregnancy clients.
Special Need Grants. You may submit special needs requests for expanding your services, broadening your reach into the community, and recovering from infrastructure damages. Special needs application forms and guidelines are at the link below. Grants are considered at the next scheduled Choose Life Board Meeting. Special Need grant information.
We encourage you to promote the sale of Choose Life tags to your board, staff, volunteers, clergy, friends, and family. They make wonderful gifts. Every tag sold or renewed anywhere in Georgia helps your center/clinic.
We believe our new design is garnering more attention to our message. Together we can reach the public with a simple but profound pro-life message and help fund your efforts to educate women on the life-affirming options of parenting and adoption.