Special Needs Funding
In addition to distributing quarterly checks to qualifying pregnancy centers and pregnancy medical clinics, Choose Life of Georgia has a Special Needs Fund from which you are welcome to apply for grants. Our goal is to be a catalyst for new initiatives that will make you more effective in your community.
The fund is for:
Expanding your services.
Broadening your reach to the community.
Recovering from infrastructure damages.
It is not for routine operating expenses which would reasonably be included in your annual budgets.
1.) Expanding your services might include, but is not limited to:
ADDING a fatherhood program, STI testing, medical services, adapting space for new services, etc.
2.) Broadening your reach into the community might include but is not limited to:
Signage for better visibility or because of a name change, expenses related to starting a satellite location, initiating (but not ongoing) Search Engine Optimization, etc.
For categories 1 and 2, you would apply for a grant from the Special Needs Fund prior to the expenses being incurred. Approvals are decided at our quarterly board meeting. You then submit receipts for reimbursement. Typically, we do not pay the full cost of any need, since we feel it is important for your donors also to “buy into” your new endeavors. But our hope is that you will be encouraged to move ahead once you know you will receive some assistance from Choose Life of Georgia.
3.) Recovering from damages might include but is not limited to:
Repairs or related costs for disasters such as flooding, black mold, etc. not covered by your insurance.
For category 3, our goal is to help you get back to serving as quickly as possible. Response to these requests is expedited and streamlined.
For any of these three categories of Special Needs requests, the first step is to complete the Special Needs Request Form and mail it to our office.
While we would love to approve all your requests, the grants are evaluated based on the availability of funds and conformity to the described goals.
Contact leila@chooselifega.org if you have questions.